Los Angeles County’s Department of Mental Health’s (LAC-DMH) Capital Facilities Component Proposal funds will be utilized to increase and improve the existing capital facilities infrastructure to accommodate the implementation of the MHSA plans. The proposal addresses the current and anticipated needs that will arise during the implementation of the various MHSA plans. LAC-DMH Capital Facilities Component Proposal will produce long-term impacts with lasting benefits that will move its mental health system toward the goals of wellness, recovery, and resiliency.
The $39 million allocations will fund acquisition of land(s) and building(s); construction of mental health service facilities and administrative space; and renovation and expansion of existing County-owned facilities which require modernization and transformation to provide an environment for the clients and families of empowerment, reduce disparities, and increase access and appropriateness of care.
The MHSA Capital Facilities Component Proposal was approved by the State on May 27, 2010.
Preliminary research for acquisition, construction, and/or renovation of various sites has started.
The MHSA Capital Facilities Plan is now available in draft form for a 30-day public review and comment period. Please click on the following link to view the announcement and access the public comment form:
Please click on the link below to go directly to the Draft Capital Facilities Plan: