Welcome To Older Adult Services
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health provides a range of programs and services designed for older adults (60+) who reside in Los Angeles County. Mental health services are available through directly-operated programs and contracted providers throughout the County. Services in these agencies typically involve screening and assessment, case management, crisis intervention, and individual/group/family treatment services.
Older adults may access mental health services through a network of County-operated and contracted agencies providing services throughout L.A. County.
Older Adult Services Include:
Title | Team Member |
Older Adult Chief | Carol Sagusti, LCSW csagusti@dmh.lacounty.gov |
Program Manager I GENESIS OA Program |
Blessing Nwajuaku, LCSW bnwajuaku@dmh.lacounty.gov |
Clinical Psychologist | Haydeh Fakhrabadi, Psy.D. HFakhrabadi@dmh.lacounty.gov |
Main Line GENESIS OA Program | (213) 351-7284 |
FSP Referrals | AdultOAFSP@dmh.lacounty.gov |