Mental Health Resources for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
This website provides information to assist providers and families of individuals with a developmental disability and mental health needs.
Los Angeles County DMH Parameter on providing mental health services, from the Office of the Medical Director (source: REVISED parameter no. 4.18):
- “State of California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) states that developmental disabilities “include intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism and related conditions.”
- “These disabilities typically have a high rate of co-occurring mental health issues, some of which require specialty mental health services.”
- “Mental health services for individuals with co-occurring developmental disabilities can effectively treat these individuals’ mental health problems and also help them develop and sustain healthy meaningful relations and achieve their personal goals. In order to achieve this outcome, mental health services should be sufficiently funded to appropriately assess and treat individuals with developmental disabilities.”
Last updated: 8/15/19