Student Professional Development Program

The Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH) Student Professional Development Program involves a training partnership with accredited professional schools that places students in a wide variety of clinical and administrative settings. In addition to the learning that occurs while in their professional placement, students have opportunities to participate in a wide variety of trainings. Stipends may be available to students who intend to be employed after graduation in the Los Angeles County public mental health system. As a result of their placement within LACDMH, many students have become permanent employees or one of its contract providers.

Partnership Lists

Student Placement Options

Provider Directory

Contact Student Professional Development Program

Contact the Student Professional Development Program at

Luis Escalante, MSW
Direct Mail: Student Professional Development Program
510 S. Vermont Ave., 17th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90020

Erin Steponovich, LMFT
Direct Mail: Student Professional Development Program
510 S. Vermont Ave., 17th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90020

Jeff Gorsuch, Psy.D.
Direct Mail: Student Professional Development Program
510 S. Vermont Ave., 17th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90020