All Rosters listed here are for Los Angeles County
- County Departments and Regional Centers Liaisons Roster
- DMH Regional Center Liaisons Roster
- Regional Center Locator
- Regional Centers-to-LACDMH Service Areas (SA) Crossmatch List
- (Early Start) Family Resource Centers Network of Los Angeles County (FRCNLAC)
- DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services) Regional Offices
- Viktoria Penchuk: (661) 582-7456
Probation Coordinators for Developmentally Disabled Minors
- Suzanne Lyles: (562) 940-2533
- Downloadable .pdf list of Probation Coordinators for Developmentally Disabled Minors
Regional Center Jail Liaison
On-site at Men’s Central Jail/Twin Towers Correctional Facility
- Bobby Vargas: (213) 687-8727
Supports Regional Center clients and potential Regional Center clients
Last updated: 4/5/23