Many individuals with developmental disabilities that are present before age 18 are eligible for Regional Center services. Each Regional Center is a nonprofit, private corporation that contracts with the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate or provide community support, resources and access to services for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. There are 21 Regional Centers throughout California, seven of which are in Los Angeles County.
Regional Center Locator resources:
- Statewide Regional Centers Listings
- Los Angeles County Regional Center, DDS Family Resource Center Locator
- Los Angeles County Regional Centers Directory
- Los Angeles County DMH Service Areas-to-Regional Centers Cross-Match List
- Help Me Grow LA
Los Angeles County Regional Center Calendars of Events/Training
- ELARC (East Los Angeles Regional Center):
- FDLRC (Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center):
- HRC (Harbor Regional Center):
- NLACRC (North Los Angeles County Regional Center):
- SCLARC (South Central Los Angeles Regional Center): SCLARC Calendar
- SGPRC (San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center): Sign up here for event notifications:
- WRC (Westside Regional Center):
Last updated: 4/5/23