- Los Angeles County Regional Center, DDS Family Resource Center Locator
- Help Me Grow LA
- NADD – for professional development in this area; books; publications; membership information relevant to our Co-occurring Developmental Disabilities population
- Project Hope – a San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center project funded by MHFA with tools to help families identify the mental health problem
- Parent-to-Parent support: (Early Start) Family Resource Centers Network of Los Angeles County (FRCNLAC)
- Alliance for Children’s Rights – look in their Programs drop-down menu for numerous resources on education and regional center advocacy
- The START Services information from the CA DDS website
- LA Found – Los Angeles County and L.A. Found are here to help caregivers of those living with Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism or other cognitive impairments.
- If I Need Help – Special Needs Safety Products and Emergency Registry: If I Need Help is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization working to reunite those who are lost, disoriented or can’t self-advocate with their loved ones and caregivers. We use QR Code Technology that can be accessed by computer or cell phone to provide help, emergency iD and peace of mind. We offer a free online member profile, and Emergency Q&A that can be edited in real time and emailed or printed in an emergency. Our customizable iD products include iD cards, & wearables such as shoe/dog tags, patches, pins/clips, & apparel.
- Sirens of Silence – For some children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, lights and sirens become sensory overload and overwhelming. To help familiarize and expose individuals with ASD to first responders, the Los Angeles County Fire Department’s (LACoFD) Sirens of Silence program will work with local organizations, so children with ASD and their parents/caregivers can meet firefighters and lifeguards and see/touch the equipment and apparatus in a quiet, less stimulating setting.
- U.S. Department of Justice – ADA
- Family Voices
- HealthCare Transition (HCT) – Got Transition
- Autism Interaction Solutions First Responders Guide to Autism Communication and De-Escalation Tactics
- Skills System
Interagency Networking – Rosters and Contacts
All Rosters listed here are for Los Angeles County
- County Departments and Regional Centers’ Mental Health Liaisons Roster
- DMH Regional Center Liaisons Roster
- DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services) Regional Offices
- regionalcentersupport@dcfs.lacounty.gov
- Viktoria Penchuck: (661) 582-7456 kamarav@dcfs.lacounty.gov
- Probation Dept. Coordinators for Developmentally Disabled Minors
- Regional Center Jail Liaison: Bobby Vargas: (213) 744-8860 and bobbyv@sclarc.org
- Los Angeles County DMH Servie Areas-to-Regional Centers Cross-Match List
Portrayals of People with Disabilities
- Iris Center at Vanderbilt University: The ways in which individuals and groups are portrayed in popular media can have a profound effect on how they are viewed by society at large. This tool represents an attempt to catalogue the representation of people with disabilities in motion pictures. Many of those representations are accurate, many are inaccurate, and some are even offensive. Their inclusion in this tool is intended to stimulate discussion and should by no means be considered an endorsement of their accuracy or appropriateness. (Note: This catalogue is for use as a reference in your search for a given feature film or documentary. No actual movies are accessible through this tool.)
Suggested Videos
- Videos in English:
- Kennedy Krieger Institute’s Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) “Early Signs of Autism video tutorial
(9:02 minutes) https://www.kennedykrieger.org/patient-care/centers-and-programs/center-for-autism-and-related-disorders/outreach-and-training/early-signs-of-autism-video-tutorial - The Face of Autism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7kHSOgauhg (YouTube, 3:11 minutes)
- TED Talk, Autism – what we know (and what we don’t know yet), Wendy Chung, geneticist – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKlMcLTqRLs (15:34 minutes)
- Kennedy Krieger Institute’s Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) “Early Signs of Autism video tutorial
- Videos In Spanish:
- University of California at Davis MIND Institute’s Spanish-language videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQnwECjj19TroJYJY0rH97Wd_59mZKF4N
- Ted Talk [in Spanish” “To understsand autism, don’t look away: https://www.ted.com/talks/carina_morillo_to_understand_autism_don_t_look_away
- 10 early signs of autism (updated) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7NeBs5wNOA (6:37 minutes)
Last updated: 1/3/25