Pharmacy Services

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Pharmacy List


Medication Formulary


Medication Access Programs

  • Prescription Drug Coverage through LACDMH-Magellan
    Eligibility Criteria:

    1. Client is uninsured (i.e. has no active Medi-Cal, Medicare Part D, or other third-party prescription drug coverage)AND
    2. Client has at least 1 open episode in AVATAR AND
    3. If the most recent episode was opened > 3 months ago, client has received documented LACDMH service(s) within the last 3 months

If a client meets above criteria, either client, prescriber, prescriber’s staff, or retail pharmacy staff, may contact LACDMH-Magellan’s Customer Call Center at 800-424-6811 to obtain or renew a Magellan ID number for client. Network retail pharmacies will need the following information to process prescription drug claims for client.

    • Magellan ID# __________
    • RxBIN: 016523
    • RxPCN: 52268989


PHI Fax Cover Sheet


Ordering Clinic Stock Medications and Supplies from LACDMH Pharmacy Warehouse (for LACDMH Staff Only)


Where to Dispose of Unused Medications


Prescription Pad Request (for LACDMH Staff Only)


Page last updated: 09/20/2023