HSRC Approved Research Studies

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Studies that are currently approved by the HSRC include:

Taylor STAND ALACRITY Center Project 2: Optimizing Engagement and Outcomes in STAND Digital Therapy
Craske STAND ALACRITY CENTER Signature Project: STAND Triaging and Adapting to Level of Care
Craske/Taylor STAND at ELAC Data Request to Develop Algorithm
Schwartz-Tayri Predicting Clients’ Resilience in Care Settings
Chavira STAND ALACRITY Center Project 1: Promoting Recruitment and Initial Uptake in STAND
Meza STAND ALACRITY Center Project 3: Suicide/Self-Harm Risk & Care Strategies
Cienfuegos Community Mental Health Service Utilization During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Bilder National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Research Lab at UCLA: Arts Impact Measurement System – Assessing the impact of the Drumming for Your Life Programs
Santos Optimizing Engagement in Services for First-Episode Psychosis (FEP) in the Community Mental Health Setting
Peterson A Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) Assessing Medication and CBT Sequencing Strategies in the Treatment of Predominantly Ethnic Minority, Underserved Youth with Anxiety Disorders
Soto-Garcia Community Partnered Medical Nutrition Intervention for Native Americans Living with Diabetes
Kopelowicz Enhancing COVID-19 Knowledge and Safety Practices in the Spanish Speaking Community
Goodsmith Addressing the Reproductive Needs of Women with Mental Illness in Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Outpatient Clinics: Stakeholder Perspectives
Chung (Lau) Closing the Care Gap for Asian American Youth at Risk for Suicide in Los Angeles County
Niendam California Collaborative Network to Promote Data-Driven Care and Improve Outcomes in Early Psychosis
Dickerson & Cain  Gardening for Health Utilizing Traditions (GHUTS)
Kern Motivational Determinants of Poor Work Outcome in Supported Employment
Ojeda & Gilmer Impact of Peer Support On Health Services and Social Disparities Among Minority Youth with SMI: Quantitative Component
Brookman-Frazee Quality Monitoring Toolkit for Multiple EBP Delivery in Child Mental Health Services
Drake & Karakus Supported Employment Demonstration
Brookman-Frazee Translating Evidence-based Interventions for ASD: A Multi-Level Implementation Strategy
Braslow & Starks Evaluation of Assisted Outpatient Treatment in Los Angeles County
Berk Suicidal and Self-Injurious Adolescents with Emotion Dysregulation
Leung & Braslow Quantitative Evaluation of Integrated Mental Health Care and Primary Care under the Los Angeles County
Chung (Lau) Knowledge Exchange on Evidence-Based Practice Sustainment (4KEEPS)
Townley Understanding Factors Associated with Community Living and Participation: An SEM Study
Zima, Marti, & McCreary Leveraging Mobile Health Technology to Optimize Early Stimulant Medication Treatment: A Feasibility Pilot
Berk 2/2 Treatment of Suicidal and Self-Injurious Adolescents with Emotion Dysregulation
Kopelowicz 4/4 Powering Genetic Discovery for Severe Mental Illness in Latin American and African Ancestries