HSRC Approved Research Studies

Studies that are currently approved by the HSRC include:

Taylor STAND ALACRITY Center Project 2: Optimizing Engagement and Outcomes in STAND Digital Therapy
Kopelowicz 4/4 Powering Genetic Discovery for Severe Mental Illness in Latin American and African Ancestries
Craske STAND ALACRITY CENTER Signature Project: STAND Triaging and Adapting to Level of Care
Craske/Taylor STAND at ELAC Data Request to Develop Algorithm
Chavira STAND ALACRITY Center Project 1: Promoting Recruitment and Initial Uptake in STAND
Meza STAND ALACRITY Center Project 3: Suicide/Self-Harm Risk & Care Strategies
Cienfuegos Community Mental Health Service Utilization During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Bilder National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Research Lab at UCLA: Arts Impact Measurement System – Assessing the impact of the Drumming for Your Life Programs
Santos Optimizing Engagement in Services for First-Episode Psychosis (FEP) in the Community Mental Health Setting
Peterson A Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) Assessing Medication and CBT Sequencing Strategies in the Treatment of Predominantly Ethnic Minority, Underserved Youth with Anxiety Disorders
Goodsmith Addressing the Reproductive Needs of Women with Mental Illness in Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Outpatient Clinics: Stakeholder Perspectives
Chung (Lau) Closing the Care Gap for Asian American Youth at Risk for Suicide in Los Angeles County
Niendam California Collaborative Network to Promote Data-Driven Care and Improve Outcomes in Early Psychosis
Kern Motivational Determinants of Poor Work Outcome in Supported Employment
Ojeda & Gilmer Impact of Peer Support On Health Services and Social Disparities Among Minority Youth with SMI: Quantitative Component
Brookman-Frazee Quality Monitoring Toolkit for Multiple EBP Delivery in Child Mental Health Services
Brookman-Frazee Translating Evidence-based Interventions for ASD: A Multi-Level Implementation Strategy
Braslow & Starks Evaluation of Assisted Outpatient Treatment in Los Angeles County
Berk Suicidal and Self-Injurious Adolescents with Emotion Dysregulation
Leung & Braslow Quantitative Evaluation of Integrated Mental Health Care and Primary Care under the Los Angeles County
Chung (Lau) Knowledge Exchange on Evidence-Based Practice Sustainment (4KEEPS)
Zima, Marti, & McCreary Leveraging Mobile Health Technology to Optimize Early Stimulant Medication Treatment: A Feasibility Pilot
Berk 2/2 Treatment of Suicidal and Self-Injurious Adolescents with Emotion Dysregulation
Kelly A Longitudinal Retrospective Examination of Crisis Residential Centers in Los Angeles