SA 3 Clergy Interfaith Collaborative

sunset time on the mountain with big tree and birds

The Service Area 3 Clergy Interfaith Collaborative welcomes participation from all faith-based congregations and mental health providers that strive to recognize the connection between spirituality and mental health as an important component of recovery from mental illness.

1. Clergy Roundtable: The interfaith Clergy and Mental Health Roundtable Meeting brings together clergy and mental health staff to, explore the relationship between mental health and spirituality enhance the capacity of both of our communities to help individuals and families struggling with mental illness as well as support their recovery. Clergy have the opportunity to further develop their pastoral skills and receive consultation and receive support and resources for congregants and families who come to them for help. DMH staff also have the opportunity to understand more about how spirituality and the faith-based community can assist them in their work with clients and their families.

 2.Faith-Based Breakfast: The Faith-Based Breakfast Meeting brings together a diverse group of people from a variety of belief systems and across disciplines by discussion of issues of common concerns, including culturally relevant spiritual and religious support and sharing of resources.

Clergy RoundTable

Meeting schedule:​ Every second Wednesday of the month, 11: a.m. – 12: p.m.
Location: Virtual over Microsoft Teams

Faith-Based Breakfast

Meeting schedule:  Quarterly, 9: a.m. – 12: p.m.
Location: Virtual via MS Teams

Contact:  Evelyn Lemus,