Key Event Change Triggers

Key Event Changes (KEC) are completed when there is a change to client’s current life situation. When completing a KEC, you will only need to fill out the section pertaining to the changes in your client’s life. If your client graduated from a community college, you will need to complete the Educational Setting section only and not the whole form. Often when your client’s life situation changes, it may affect two areas of their life that can be recorded on a single KEC. An example is when your client is arrested and jailed, you can complete both the legal and living arrangement section on the KEC. Keep in mind that you will complete a KEC each time a change occurs. Therefore, when your client is released from jail, you will need to complete a new KEC, indicating that he/she is out of jail and is living in a new placement. Changes in any of the following areas should cause you to report a Key Event Change or KEC on a Partner/Client. Examples are listed under each area.


Administrative Information

Client moves to a new FSP Provider.* THIS WOULD BE A TRANSFER

Client moved to a different type of FSP program (i.e. transfers from Child FSP to IFCCS)  THIS WOULD BE A TRANSFER

Client leaves the FSP.*                     THIS IS A DISENROLLMENT

Client is restarting the FSP after he/she was disenrolled* THIS IS A RE-ESTABLISHMENT

The partnership service coordinator assigned to the client has changed


Very early on in training, users were instructed to complete the entire KEC if they were transferring a client, receiving a transferred client, disenrolling or reestablishing a client in FSP.    Since 2008, the training content was updated and completing the entire KEC was no longer recommended.   It is imperative that all changes are reported as they happen with the status change date associated with the change.     When a client is transferring, disenrolling, it is important to ensure all statuses have been updated prior to doing the transfer or disenrollment KEC.    When reestablishing a client it is important to report all changes that occurred while client was away from the partnership, with the associated dates of those changes.


The following is NOT in itself a reason to file a KEC: the Partner ages out of a population.



Client is hospitalized and spends the night.

Client is discharged from the hospital

Client is jailed and spends the night.

Client is released from Jail/ Juvenile Hall

Client loses housing.

Client moves to a new housing arrangement even if level of housing doesn’t change (change of address)


The following is NOT in itself a reason to file a KEC: the client spends a night or two at the home of a friend or relative as a visitor.


Benefits Establishment

Client obtains new Benefits




Client completes a grade or degree.

Client is suspended or expelled.

Client enrolls in or stops attending other types of educational settings.

Education becomes a part of the client’s recovery goals



Partner gains or loses a job/ position.  New, complete, employment picture should be reported on KEC.

Partner changes hours, hourly wages, or type of employment settings.

Employment becomes one of the client’s recovery goals


Health Status

Changes in this section can be reported in a KEC if desired or the provider can wait to report the current physical health status in the next 3M.


Legal Issues / Designations

Client has contact with the police (meaning they are under suspicion, questioned, etc.)

Client is arrested

Client is incarcerated

Client is placed or removed from probation or parole

Client becomes or is no longer a dependent (WIC 300)or ward (WIC 600)of the court.

Partner is placed on or removed from conservatorship or payee status.


The following is NOT in itself a reason to file a KEC: the Partner has called the police for assistance, or is assisting the police in an investigation.


Emergency Intervention

Client receives services in an emergency room for physical or psychiatric care.

Client receives emergency psychiatric services (seen by 24 hour response/ PMRT)

Client is admitted to a 23-hour crisis stabilization/ urgent care center program.