Countywide Housing Specialists Program

General Information

The Community Services and Supports (CSS) Plan allocated 16 positions for the Countywide Housing Specialists Program providing two positions for each Service Area (SA).

The Countywide Housing Specialists Program will provide housing services for individuals with a mental illness by increasing housing opportunities and assisting individuals to secure and maintain permanent housing. Each SA will have a Housing Specialist Team consisting of a Community Worker and a Mental Health Services Coordinator under the supervision of the SA Clinical Program Manager III.

Duties and Responsibilities


The Community Worker will function as a Service Area Housing Specialist assisting homeless consumers and individuals living in other setting such as institutional settings, Adult Residential Facilities, or with family who seek to live in a less restrictive / independent living situation to secure and maintain permanent housing. The essential duties will include but not be limited to the following:

  • Educating individuals about available housing resources and assistance
  • Assisting individuals complete applications for rental subsidies, move-in assistance, housing programs or private rental agreements
  • Assisting individuals prepare for interviews with prospective property owners or property managers
  • Accompanying and assisting individuals with housing searches
  • Acting as an advocate and negotiator for individuals with poor credit and housing histories
  • Work closely with case managers to assist with housing retention


The Mental Health Services Coordinator II will coordinate the implementation and ongoing provision of a Housing Specialist program in each SA that will focus on expanding the existing housing stock of permanent affordable housing and assisting homeless consumers and individuals living in other setting such as institutional settings, Adult Residential Facilities, or with family who seek to live in a less restrictive/ independent living situation to secure and maintain permanent housing. The essential duties will include but not be limited to the following:

  • Develop a SA housing resource directory
  • Outreach to property owners and manager to provide education regarding mental health programs
  • Organize and chair a SA Housing Consortium
  • Avert possible evictions by maintaining professional relationships with property owners and promptly address their concerns
  • Educate consumers about tenant’s rights and responsibilities
  • Coordinate the delivery of housing services with other Service Area based teams and case managers to avoid duplication of effort
  • Assisting individuals complete applications for rental subsidies, move-in assistance, housing programs or private rental agreements
  • Assisting individuals prepare for interviews with prospective property owners or property managers
  • Accompanying and assisting individuals with housing searches
  • Acting as an advocate and negotiator for individuals with poor credit and housing histories
  • Work closely with case managers to assist with housing retention

Contact Housing Policy and Development Unit at (213) 251-6558.