Therapeutic Behavioral Services

 Young Woman looking at a child with braids as they use a laptop computer

TBS are intensive, individualized, short-term outpatient treatment interventions for beneficiaries up to age 21 with full scope Medi-Cal. Individuals eligible to receive these services have serious emotional disturbances, are experiencing stressful transitions or life crises, and need additional short-term, specific support services to achieve outcomes specified in their client plans.

If the child/youth is living at home, a TBS staff person can work one-to-one with the child or youth to reduce severe behavior problems to try to keep the child or youth from needing a higher level of care.

If the child or youth is placed outside of their home in a group home or a Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP), the TBS specialist, the mental health clinician and the caregiver(s) can work together as a team to address problematic behaviors for a short period of time (3-6 months), until the child/youth no longer needs TBS and may be able to move to a lower level of care.

Children/Youth referred to and receiving TBS must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Child/Youth is placed, or being considered for placement, in a STRTP or a locked facility for the treatment of mental health needs; or
  • Within the preceding 24 months, the child/youth has experienced at least one emergency psychiatric hospitalization, or is at risk of hospitalization, related to his/her current mental health diagnosis; or
  • Child/Youth has previously received TBS and needs it again.

For more information, contact Scott Tommey, Ph.D., or at (213) 943-9612.

Community Resources

EPSDT_TBS Brochure (English) | EPSDT_TBS Brochure (Spanish)

Los Angeles County TBS Provider Directory

TBS Referral Form

Provider Resources

TBS Documentation Manual

TBS Coordination of Care Manual

Related Links
  • Wiki

    A site dedicated to interpreting and explaining the State of California’s Mental Health Professional's Outcome Measures application, commonly known as OMA.