The Service Area 6 Clergy Interfaith Collaborative welcomes participation from all faith-based congregations and mental health providers that strive to recognize the connection between spirituality and mental health as an important component of recovery from mental illness.
Clergy Breakfast: The purpose of the Service Area 6 (SA6) Clergy Breakfast is to invite faith-based leadership and Community Based Organizations as well as those that reside in SA6 to the table to discuss how to work collaboratively with Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health on approaches that will effectively improve the lives of those residing in our community.
Meeting Scheduled: Third Friday of every other month.
Time: 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Location: Microsoft Teams
SA6 Clergy Collaborative Liaison: Kisha Thompson, L.C.S.W
SA6 Clergy Collaborative Liaison: Erica Melbourne, Psy. D.