QI Work Plans
The QOTD QI Unit works in collaboration with Departmental staff to establish annual and measurable QI Work Plan goals to evaluate performance management activities. The QI Work Plan Goals are categorized into the following seven domains:
- Service Delivery Capacity
- Accessibility of Services
- Beneficiary Satisfaction
- Clinical Care
- Continuity of Care
- Provider Appeals
- Performance Improvement
Consumer Perception of Satisfaction
The QOTD QI Unit is responsible for the formal reporting on annual measurement of consumer perception of satisfaction in six areas, namely: General Satisfaction, Perception of Access, Perception of Quality and Appropriateness, Perception of Participation in Treatment Planning, Perception of Outcomes of Services, Perception of Functioning, and Perception of Social Connectedness.
Performance Improvement Projects (PIP)
As a part of the External Quality Review Organization (EQRO) requirements and mandated by the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42, the QI Unit is responsible for collaborating on Regional QI projects and PIPs. The QOTD QI Unit is responsible for coordinating, organizing, and supporting PIPs from and throughout the organization. Each year, the QI Unit conducts a clinical and non-clinical PIP. The PIPs are conducted to ensure that selected administrative and clinical processes are reviewed to improve performance outcomes. The QI Unit collaborates and coordinates related QI activities with many of the Divisions and Units within LACDMH.
Regional Quality Improvement Committee (QIC)
The QI unit acts in coordination with the service delivery system. The Departmental Countywide Quality Improvement Committee meets monthly and includes standing representation from North Region (Service Areas 1-4), South Region (Service Areas 5-8), LACDMH programs and Divisions, and other stakeholders. Each Region facilitate their own Regional QIC. Each Regional QIC has a Chairperson and Co-Chairs representing Directly Operated (DO) and Legal Entities (LE)/Contracted providers.
The Regional QIC Chairperson and Co-Chair are representative members of the Departmental Countywide QIC. The Regional QIC meetings provide a structured forum for the identification of QI opportunities to address challenges and barriers unique to a Region. At the provider level, all DO and LE/Contracted practitioners/providers participate in their own organizational QIC. In order to ensure the QIC communication feedback loop is complete, all Regional Organizational providers are required to participate in their local Regional QIC. This constitutes a structure that supports effective communication between providers and Regional QICs, up to the Departmental Countywide QIC, and back through the system of care.
An additional communication loop exists between the Regional QIC Chairperson and/or Co-Chairs and the respective SA Chiefs and Service Area Leadership Teams (SALTs). The SALTs are comprised of consumers, family members, providers and LACDMH staff. The SALTs provide valuable information for program planning and opportunities for program and service improvement. SALTs are a centralized venue for consumers and family members to participate.