Federal Housing Subsidies

The Federal Housing Subsidies Unit (FHSU) manages and administers contracts with the City and County Housing Authorities, HACLA and LACDA respectively. The contracts provide permanent supportive housing resources in the form of tenant based certificates and vouchers. The housing subsidies make units affordable for clients who pay a limited percentage of their income for rent, with the balance paid to the owner by the Housing Authority. Clients must meet Housing and Urban Development (HUD) qualifications, including being assessed and entered into the Los Angeles Coordinated Entry System (CES). Clients receiving services at a directly-operated or contract agency may access FHSU subsidies through their DMH provider.

HACLA Continuum of Care (City of Los Angeles)

HACLA Homeless Section 8

HACLA Tenant Based Supportive Housing

LACDA Continuum of Care (County of Los Angeles)


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