Employment Specialists-Providers

The drop-down menu items below provide resources for employment specialists. This includes employment related policy and other information that can be beneficial for the employment specialist to be aware of while facilitating a person’s journey toward employment. Please visit periodically as resources on this page are updated on a regular basis.

Disability Benefits Planning

Disability Benefits 101

Work Incentives Planning & Assistance (WIPA) Programs
As of July 1, 2021 Managed Career Solutions, INC (MCS) has been designated to provide WIPA services for LA County. MCS has two entities that provide WIPA services, Economic Development Corporation (EDC), and the Social Purpose Corporation (SPC). Please visit the following link to view which MCS entity serves your zip-code: https://www.ssa.gov/work/documents/New%20WIPA%20OrganizationsWEB_072121.pdf 
MCS Staff Directory: http://file.lacounty.gov/SDSInter/dmh/1113675_WIPA-2021-2026.pdf

Facilitate Career Planning

Boston University Employment Seminars: “Ask Me Anything About Employment”
These are not presentations, but rather hour-long interactive Q&A webinars with an expert in employment.

California Career Center

Career Planning Worksheets

How to Turn an Interview into a Job Offer

How Would You Answer the Hard Questions About Workforce Development?

Leaders Up – 1st Friday (career advice videos)

O*NET OnLine
O*NET OnLine is the Occupational Information Network’s free Web site for easy access to information on over 900 occupations. View data on tasks, skills, knowledge, abilities, job zones, tools and technology, interests, work styles, work values, and work context. O-NET-Desk-Aid

Salary Comparison – Community College Graduates

11 Steps to Successful Career Planning

“True Colors” – Activity