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Strategic Plan Image (Link to Strategic Plan Site)

LACDMH Strategic Plan 2020-2030

Illustration of a laptop computer with networked headshots behind it

Current Job Opportunities

LACDMH Logo (Image Link to Mental Health Resources)


Image Link to Help Line Page


Brightly colored illustration of people talking to each other


Classroom with students seated at desks with their backpacks on the floor

START Program

About The Director

Lisa Wong, Psy.D., Director

Lisa Wong, Psy.D., is the Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH) as of February 28, 2023, after serving as Interim Director since July 2022. Prior to this role, Dr. Wong was LACDMH’s Senior Deputy Director overseeing the Department’s clinical programs and community-based services over a broad range of settings throughout Los Angeles County.

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MyHealthPointe is a portal for LACDMH clients, providing them an easier way to access their health information and manage their healthcare, such as upcoming appointments, lab results, electronic medical records, and corresponding with their care provider.

(If you are not a LACDMH client, please call our Help Line at 800-854-7771 to find a service provider near you.)

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