DSM-5 Trauma Measures

To obtain the PCL-5 questionnaire, click here

How to obtain the PTSD-RI-5  

Email a request to PEIOutcomes@dmh.lacounty.gov.  PEI Outcomes staff will email the Child/Adolescent and Parent versions of the UCLA PTSD-RI-5, in English and Spanish, as well as an electronic scoring system.  Please be aware, all versions of the UCLA PTSD-RI are copyrighted (see rules below) and infringement may lead to legal action.


UCLA PTSD Reaction Index (PTSD-RI) for Children/Adolescents – DSM-5 Version©
UCLA PTSD Reaction Index for DSM-5 – Parent/Caregiver Report©

Agency Director or Authorized Administrator:
The UCLA PTSD Reaction Index (PTSD-RI) for Children/Adolescents – DSM-5 Version© and the UCLA PTSD Reaction Index (PTSD-RI) for DSM-5 – Parent/Caregiver Report©.
are restricted to agency staff members involved in providing mental health services for the following Los Angeles County-Department of Mental Health (LACDMH) approved MHSA Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Evidence Based Practices, Promising Practices, and Community-Defined Evidence Practices:
• Alternatives for Families-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT)
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Trauma in Schools (CBITS)
• Individual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
• Managing and Adapting Practice (MAP)
• Seeking Safety
• Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

LACDMH has obtained a license from THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA (“The Regents”) for use of the UCLA PTSD-RI by contracted legal entities and directly operated clinics that provide mental health services in the County of Los Angeles. Use of the UCLA PTSD-RI by agency staff members involved in projects other than what is specified above requires securing an independent licensing agreement with The Regents.

Per the terms of the Licensing and User’s Agreement between The Regents and LACDMH, the UCLA PTSD-RI may only be used for patients. The UCLA PTSD-RI may only be duplicated electronically or by photocopying for use in projects specified above. No further distribution has been authorized. No changes shall be made to the instrument at any time. All data shall be kept strictly confidential.
I have read and understand the Licensing and User’s Agreement for using the UCLA PTSD-RI.