This website and the email listed below are not monitored 24/7 and are not intended as crisis resources. If you or someone you care about is in a crisis, call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255 to talk with a caring, trained counselor. It is free, confidential, and available 24/7.
The Los Angeles County Suicide Prevention Network (LASPN) is a group of mental health professionals, advocates, survivor, providers, researchers, and representatives from various agencies and organizations working together to decrease the numbers of suicides in Los Angeles County. Our mission is to promote public and professional awareness, education, training, and engagement regarding suicide and suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention in Los Angeles County. Through the collaboration of the various members of The Network, the LASPN is working to leverage the talent and resources available locally to work towards comprehensive suicide prevention.
To get involved with LASPN, please visit the official page at or email
Annual Suicide Prevention Summit
The Network and its members work each year to coordinate the Los Angeles County Suicide Prevention Summit, which occurs annually in September. Each event highlights different perspective, best practices and populations to help attendees better understand the role they can play in suicide prevention.
The 2018 Suicide Prevention Summit took place at the California Endowment on September 6, 2018. Click here to view recordings, slides and hand-outs for the keynote presentation and breakout workshops
Get Involved in Suicide Prevention!
Raise Awareness about Suicide Prevention at Work, at School or in Your Community
- Host a training on suicide prevention or best practices for suicide risk assessment
- LADMH, Partners in Suicide Prevention Training Menu
- Didi Hirsch Suicide Prevention Center Trainings Menu
- Share materials/resources with information about warning signs and resources or visit
- Find information about the Los Angeles County Youth Suicide Prevention Project
- Get involved with your local American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) chapter and participate in Out of the Darkness Walks
- Share information about the Trevor Project with LGBTQ youth or participate in a training for professionals working with you.
Reference the Framework for Successful Messaging when Developing Materials
Share Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide with Local Media
Reduce Access to Lethal Means
- Ask your local pharmacy to include crisis resources on pharmacy bags
- Safely dispose of unused or unneeded medications
- Safely store all firearms (gun locks/safes)
- Secure firearms outside of homes for people in distress
- Support local efforts to implement bridge barriers
- Visit Means Matters for more information
Prepare Your School or Community for Responding After a Suicide
- Find helpful resources by visiting the Los Angeles County Youth Suicide Prevention Project
- Help develop Postvention Response Plan at your school or organization
- Share local resources for loss and attempt survivors
Promote the Directing Change Program and Film Contest (youth in grades 7-12, and ages 14-25)
- Encourage youth to submit 60-second films about suicide prevention and mental health
- Share films from youth filmmakers
- Share suicide prevention resources with your school or district
- Volunteer as a judge to review youth-produced PSA