Cultural Competence Resources

LACDMH Strategies to reduce mental health disparities and increase health equity

      • Outreach & Engagement
      • Community education to increase mental health awareness and decrease stigma
      • Multi-lingual/multicultural materials
      • Collaboration with faith-based and other trusted community entities/groups
      • School-based services
      • Field-based services
      • Programs and projects that target specific ethnic and language groups
      • Designating and tracking ethnic targets for Full Service Partnerships (FSP)
      • Flexibility in FSP enrollment such as allowing “those living with family” to qualify as “at-risk of homeless”
      • Countywide FSP Networks to increase linguistic and cultural access
      • Integrated Supportive Services
      • Co-location with other county departments (DCFS, DPSS, DHS)
      • Interagency Collaboration
      • Consultation to gatekeepers
      • Trainings/case consultation
      • Provider communication and support
      • Multi-lingual/multi-cultural staff development and support
      • Evidence-based Practices/Community-defined Evidence for ethnic populations
      • Investments in learning
      • Increase mental health service accessibility to underserved populations
      • Physical health, mental health and substance abuse service integration
      • Utilizing community’s knowledge and capacity to identify and prescribe ways of promoting health and well-being from within
      • Implementation of new departmental policies and procedures that improve the quality and timeliness of mental health services
      • Implementation of new technologies to enhance the Department’s service delivery
      • Creation of new committees, subcommittees and taskforces that address cultural and linguistic competent service delivery.
      • Health Agency level collaborations to enhance the cultural and linguistic competence within and across Departments of Health Services, Mental Health, and Public Health

LACDMH Cultural Competency Policies and Procedures

      • Policy 200.02 – Interpreter Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community
      • Policy 200.03 – Language Translation and Interpretater Services
      • Policy 200.09 – Culturally and Linguistically Inclusive Services
      • Policy 602.01 – Bilingual Bonus
      • Parameters for Clinical Care:
        • Delivery of Culturally Competent Clinical Services
        • Peer Advocates
        • Spiritual Support
        • Family Inclusion
        • Assessment and Treatment of Individuals with Co-Occurring Intellectual Disabilities
        • Treatment of Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders

Cultural Competency 101 Training

Part 1:  Basic definitions, regulations related to cultural competency, LACDMH strategies to reduce mental health disparities, and LACDMH demographical and client utilization data [Duration:  37 minutes]

Part 2: Cultural humility, client culture, stigma, elements of cultural competency in service delivery, and resources [Duration: 30 minutes]

Part 3: Cultural competency scenarios and group discussion [Duration: 18.5 minutes]