Service Area 1 Wraparound Program



Wraparound is an intensive mental health program that is a child-focused, family-centered, strengths-based, and needs-driven planning process. This process provides access to an array of comprehensive mental health services. Wraparound is a team-based, collaborative process for helping children and youth with special mental health needs. Families learn to identify and use their strengths and community resources to address their individual needs. The Wraparound model is based on 10 principles designed to maintain children and youth in their home and community. The 10 Wraparound principles include: family voice and choice, team-based, natural supports, collaboration, community-based, culturally competent, individualized, strengths-based, persistence, and outcome-based. The Wraparound process brings together a team of people to work with your family. Typical teams include designated agency staff members as well as relatives, friends, neighbors, and/or church members, etc.

Your family will work with a Wraparound team of at least four individuals consisting of the following:

    • Facilitator: organizes meetings and ensures that the family plan is working. This person will help assess your family’s strengths, goals, and needs and develop an initial safety and crisis plan with your family.
    • Child and Family Specialist (CFS): works with the youth to improve behaviors, supporting positive life changes. Also, the CFS can identify appropriate resources for the youth’s healthy development.
    • Parent Partner: serves to support the parents/caregivers, helps in assessment and planning, provides resources (i.e., food banks, housing, and shelters), and most importantly empowers.
    • Mental Health Clinician: provides mental health services (individual and family therapy) to address emotional needs and participates in Child and Family Team (CFT) meetings.
    • Psychiatrist (as needed): provides medication support.

For more information on the program or enrollment, please contact:

Service Area 1 Wraparound Supervisor: Steve Rangel
Phone Number: (213) 222-3689