The Partners in Suicide Prevention (PSP) Team for Children, Transition Age Youth (TAY), Adults and Older Adults is funded by Proposition 63, the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). This innovative program offered by the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (DMH) is designed to increase public awareness on suicide and reduce stigma associated with seeking mental health and substance abuse services. The team offers education, identifies appropriate tools such as evidence-based practices, and provides linkage and referrals to age appropriate services.
PSP Team Activities
- Increase public awareness
- Reduce stigma/discrimination associated with mental illness, substance abuse and suicide
- Provide education and training
- Identify underserved communities
- Promote prevention/early intervention
- Create linkages, provide referrals
- Assist care providers
- Participate in countywide committees/networks
The PSP Team builds relationships with the Department’s array of contract and directly operated programs to enhance the quality of existing mental health resources as well as assist new providers while assuring the overarching vision of Hope, Wellness and Recovery is achieved with clients, family members and the community at large.
If you would like to know more information on suicide, please click on any topic below:
Facts and Research Findings About Suicide
Are you or someone you know in a crisis?
LAC Youth Suicide Prevention Project
If you need immediate help, please call 911
In LA County, MHSA grant funds have been used to support groundbreaking programs that are fully aligned with the California State Plan on Suicide Prevention. Under the Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) component, four projects were funded and include:
- Suicide Hotline Transformation and Expansion of Suicide Prevention Services
- Pacific Clinics Latina Youth Program
- Web Based Training on Suicide Prevention
- Suicide Prevention Specialist Teams known as the PSP Team
In November of 2006, the State of California charged the California Department of Mental Health (DMH), with the development a statewide strategic plan on suicide prevention. The Suicide Prevention Plan Advisory Committee was formed and composed of mental health experts, advocates, survivors, providers, researchers and representatives from various nonprofit and government agencies. Working in partnership with DMH, the Committee participated in completing the California Strategic Plan on Suicide Prevention: Every Californian is Part of the Solution which is built upon the vision that
“a full range of strategies, starting from prevention and early intervention, should be targeted to Californians of all ages, from children and youth to adults and older adults.”
This plan also serves as a blueprint for action at local and state levels to guide the work of policy makers, researchers, program developers and other systems to collaborate together in enhancing suicide prevention strategies at the prevention, intervention and postvention level among all age groups.