
Employment & Education Resources
Countywide Employment and Education posts jobs, educational opportunities, and additional related resources on the Employment & Education Resources page.

SAMHSA’s Supported Employment Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) KIT
Supported Employment is an evidence-based best practice that is anchored in the recovery model. Learn how to implement this model as a practitioner, consumer or family member.

U.S. Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy
This site offers information on employment supports, job accommodations and research.

VCU Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Workplace Supports
You’ll find resources and research about work and disability issues on this site.

America’s Career InfoNet
A useful site for information on salaries, resume writing and the labor market.

U.S. Department of Labor 
This site offers training and technical assistance for people or agencies offering employment services.

California Department of Rehabilitation
Services and advocacy for people with disabilities.

Social Security- The Red Book
Learn all about SSI and SSDI and employment supports associated with these programs

Disability Benefits Calculator
Find out how SSI and SSDI cash and health benefits are affected by employment. The link is also available in Spanish.

Career One Stop
Explore careers, find resources and learn about education and training.

Employability Network
Find a WorkSource center near you.