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MHSA Community Planning Team Meeting – Aug. 25, 2023
August 25, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
MHSA Community Planning Team Meeting – August 25, 2023, 9 a.m. to noon
We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming Community Planning Team (CPT) meeting on Friday, August 25, 2023 from 9 a.m. -12 p.m. to continue our planning efforts for the MHSA Three-Year Plan for fiscal years 2024-25 and 2025-26.
Next Friday’s session will be all online using the following link:
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 237 000 518 286 | Passcode: 9Ya2xn
Audio only: +1 323-776-6996,,899355861#
Phone Conference ID: 899 355 861#
(We will not be meeting in person on August 25 at St. Anne’s.)
The primary goal of the August 25th session is to build a common understanding of the clients served by DMH based on the MHSA program, differentiated by age group, fiscal year, unique or new clients, average cost, and/or Service Area. Please see attached documents, which can also be found on our website at: https://dmh.lacounty.gov/about/mhsa/announcements/.
Our hope is that this foundational information will trigger questions that will help us generate more specific and helpful data for September and October.
Additionally, for CPT members, we also want to request that you fill out the new CPT Diversity Survey by Friday, August 25th using the following link: https://forms.office.com/g/FeWS5FQ0uR. We know some of you already filled out a prior version. We would really appreciate it if you could please do so one more time.
Please review the attached material in preparation for this meeting. If you have any questions about this message, please reach out to at MHSAAdmin@dmh.lacounty.gov.
- Meeting Agenda (English / Spanish)
- Meeting Slides (English / Spanish)
- MHSA Data Presentation
Reunión del equipo de planificación comunitaria de la MHSA, 25 de agosto de 9 a 12
Esperamos verlos en la próxima reunión del Equipo de Planificación Comunitaria (Community Planning Team, CPT) el viernes 25 de agosto de 2023 de 9 a.m. a 12 p.m. para continuar con nuestros esfuerzos de planificación para el Plan de tres años de la MHSA para los años fiscales 2024-25 y 2025-26.
La sesión del próximo viernes se llevará acabo sólamente en línea a través del siguiente enlace:
Click here to join the meeting
Identificación de reunión: 237 000 518 286 | Clave: 9Ya2xn
Llamada (solo audio): +1 323-776-6996,,899355861#
Identificacion de conferencia telefónica: 899 355 861#
(No habrá reunión en persona el 25 de agosto en St. Anne’s.)
El objetivo principal de la sesión del 25 de agosto es generar un entendimiento común sobre los clientes atendidos por DMH según el programa de MHSA, diferenciado por grupos de edad, años fiscales, clientes únicos o nuevos, costo promedio y/o área de servicio. Consulte los documentos adjuntos, que también se encontran en nuestro: https://dmh.lacounty.gov/about/mhsa/announcements/.
Por favor revise el material adjunto en preparación para esta reunión. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este mensaje, comuníquese con nosotros: MHSAAdmin@dmh.lacounty.gov.
- Meeting Agenda (English / Spanish)
- Meeting Slides (English / Spanish)
- MHSA Data Presentation