Adopted Board Letters 2010-2012

Title Date
Approval to Enter Into a Legal Entity Agreement with Sunbridge Shandin Hills Rehabilitation Center 12/18/12
Authorization to Enter Into Two Assignment Agreements with The California Housing Finance Agency Under The Mental Health Services Act Community Services and Supports Plan 12/18/12
Approval to Amend Legal Entity Agreement with Tessie Cleveland Community Services Corporation 12/11/12
Approval to Enter Into A Sole Source Agreement with Eggleston Youth Centers, Inc. For Fiscal Years 2012-13, 2013-14, And 2014-15 12/11/12
Approval to Extend on a Month-to-Month Basis a Sole Source Services Agreement with Mental Health Advocacy Services, Inc. for the Remaining Six Months of Fiscal Year 2012-13 12/4/12
Approval to Amend Legal Entity Agreement with Telecare Corporation 12/4/12
Approval to Extend the Repayment of Cash Flow Advances of Three Legal Entity Contractors for Mental Health Services 12/4/12
Approval of Expenditures for a CalWORKs Symposium “Working Toward My Future” for CalWORKs Participants 12/4/12
Approve Expenditures for the Thirteenth Annual Mental Health Commission Profiles of Hope, Volunteer, And Program Recognition Awards to be held on October 25. 2012 10/16/12
Approval of Retroactive Mental Health Plan Agreement with the State Departments of Mental Health and Health Care Services for Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health Services for the Period From April 1, 2012, To December 31, 2012 10/16/12
Approval of Retroactive State Hospital Bed Purchase and Usage Agreement 10/2/12
Approval to Transfer Group Home Funds from Sunbridge Harbor View Rehabilitation Center, Inc., to Bayfront Youth and Family Services for Fiscal Years 2012-13 and 2013-14 10/2/12
Approve Expenditures For The American Indian/Alaska Native Mental Health Conference: Weaving Wellness Into Our Spirits 8/7/12
Approval To Establish Countywide Maximum Allowances For Specialty Mental Health Services For Legal Entity Mental Health Service Contract Providers 7/31/12
Approval to Enter into A New Consultant Services Agreement with the University of California, San Diego, to Design, Implement, and Administer the Evaluation Component of Four Mental Health Services Act-Innovation Models 7/17/12
Approval to Amend Two Legal Entity Agreements and Enter Into One New Legal Entity Agreement to Implement Innovation – Community – Designed Integrated Service Management Model for the African-American Populations 7/3/12
Approval of Partial Deferment of Repayment of Cash Flow Advances for Legal Entity Contractors and Authorization to Extend the Date for Initiating Recovery of Cash Flow Advance Funds for Fiscal Years 2009-10, 2010-11 And 2011-12 7/3/12
Approval to Enter Into Enhanced Emergency Shelter Program Agreements with Four Agencies to Provide Emergency Shelter to Transition-Age-Youth Under the Mental Health Services Act Community Services and Supports Plan for Fiscal Years 2012-13 Through 2016-17 6/19/12
Approval to Award California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Funding to 20 Legal Entity Service Providers to Provide Mental Health Supportive Services for Fiscal Years 2012-13 Through 2014-15 6/19/12
Authorization to Renew Temporary Psychiatrist Services Agreements for Fiscal Years 2012-13 Through 2016-17 6/12/12
Approval to Renew a Sole Source Transitional Housing Program Agreement with A Community of Friends for Fiscal Year 2012-13 6/6/12
Authorization to Renew Subcontract Agreement Between Venice Family Clinic and Edmund D. Edelman Westside Mental Health Center – County of Los Angeles Department of Mental Health for Fiscal Year 2012-13 6/6/12
Approval to Renew 15 Clinical Assessment Service Agreements for Fiscal Year 2012-13 Through 2016-17 6/6/12
Approval to Renew 65 Expiring Legal Entity Agreements for Mental Health Services 6/6/12
Approval to Extend The Term of Five Consultant Services Agreements for Siting Mental Health Facilities and Programs 6/6/12
Request Approval to Supersede 70 Legal Entity Agreements for Mental Health Services for Fiscal Years 2012-13 And 2013-14 6/6/12
Approval of New Clinical Laboratory Services Agreement with Primex Clinical Laboratories, Inc., For Fiscal Years 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, And 2016-17 6/6/12
Approval to Execute Department of Mental Health Affiliation Agreements for Student Professional Development Programs 6/6/12
Approval to Renew 11 Community Care Residential Facility Agreements for Fiscal Years 2012-13 Through 2016-17 5/29/12
Approval to Renew Eleven Patient/Client Transportation Services Agreement for Fiscal Years 2012-13 Through 2016-17 5/29/12
Approval to Amend Specialized Indigent Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Services Agreements with Aurora Charter Oak, LLC, and College Hospital – Cerritos 5/29/12
Authorization to Renew Two Existing Service Agreements for Drop-In Centers for Transition Age Youth Services for Fiscal Years 2012-13 Through 2014-15 5/29/12
Approval to Enter Into The Participation Agreement with The California Mental Health Services Authority to Fund The Multiyear Regional Data Workgroup Program 5/29/12
Approval to Renew the State of California – Department of Rehabilitation Cooperative Agreement For Fiscal Years 2012-13, 2013-14, And 2014-15 5/29/12
Hearing on Published Charges For Fiscal Year 2012-13 5/22/12
Storage Area Network Fixed Asset Purchase 5/15/12
Approval to Extend a Sole Source Services Agreement with Mental Health Advocacy Services, Inc. for Fiscal Year 2012-13 5/15/12
Approval to Enter Into Consultant Services Agreements with 54 Agencies to Implement Mental Health Services Act Prevention and Early Intervention Prevention Programs for Fiscal Years 2011-12 and 2012-13 5/15/12
Authorization to Contract with and Provide Suicide Prevention Telephone Counseling Services to Didi Hirsch Psychiatric Service as its Subcontractor 5/1/12
Approval to Amend Two Sole Source Fiscal Agreements 5/1/12
Approval to Enter into a New Legal Entity Agreement with Eldorado Community Service Center for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011-12, FY 2012-13, And FY 2013-14 4/3/12
Approval to Amend Consultant Services Agreement with PracticeWise, LLC 3/20/12
Approval to Amend Legal Entity Agreement with Pediatric & Family Medical Center 3/13/12
Approval to Enter Into a Legal Entity Agreement with Junior Blind of America for Specialized Mental Health Services to Foster Care Children, Youth, And Their Families 3/13/12
Approval to Amend Thirteen Legal Entity Agreements and Enter Into Two New Agreements for Implementing The Community Designed Integrated Service Management Model 3/6/12
Approve Expenditures for The Eleventh Annual Conference on Mental Health and Spirituality 3/6/12
Approval to Amend the Technological Needs Funding Agreement with Didi Hirsch Psychiatric Service 2/21/12
Approval to Amend Seven Legal Entity Agreements to Implement Innovation – Integrated Clinic Models and Approval to Terminate and Amend Current Agreements with the Los Angeles Free Clinic dba The Saban Free Clinic 2/14/12
Approval to Amend Nine Legal Entity Agreements to Implement Innovation – Integrated Mobile Health Team Services 2/7/12
Authorization for a Sole Source Amendment with California Institute for Mental Health for Training and Toolkit Services on Integrating Spiritual Interests of Mental Health Clients 2/7/12
Approval to Amend Agreements with St. Joseph Center and Ocean Park Community Center 1/17/12
Approval to Enter Into Legal Entity Agreement with Bayfront Youth and Family Services for Fiscal Years 2011-12, 2012-13, and 2013-14 12/20/11
Approve Expenditures for The Sixth Annual Connections for Life Through Employment and Education Conference 12/6/11
Request Approval to Amend 29 Legal Entity Agreements to Add California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Funding for Mental Health Services for Remaining Six Months of Fiscal Year 2011-12 11/29/11
Approval to Extend a Sole Source Services Agreement with Mental Health Advocacy Services, Inc. For Fiscal Year 2011-12 11/29/11
Request Approval To Amend The Unilab Corporation Clinical Laboratory Services Agreement For The Remaining Six Months Of Fiscal Year 2011-12 11/29/11
Approve An Agreement With Netsmart Technologies, Inc., For An Integrated Behavioral Health Information System And Approval Of An Appropriation Adjustment For Fiscal Year 2011-12 10/18/11
Authorization For The Director Of Mental Health To Execute Amendments With Existing Legal Entity Contractors To Support Implementation Of Post-Release Community Supervision 9/20/11
Adopt Resolution to Apply for Grant Funding From the State of California Community Development Block Grant Program Fiscal Year 2011-12 9/6/11
Approve Expenditures For The Hope And Recovery: Empowering Our Lives Conferences 7/12/11
Approval to Execute a Consultant Services Agreement with Mental Health America of Los Angeles to Implement Recovery Oriented Supervision Training and Consultation Services 7/5/11
Request Approval to Supersede 107 Legal Entity Agreements for Mental Health Services Fiscal Year 2011-12 and Fiscal Year 2012-13 6/14/11
Approval to Renew 26 Expiring Legal Entity Agreements for Mental Health Services 6/14/11
Request Approval to Amend 30 Legal Entity Agreements to Add California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Funding for Mental Health Services Fiscal Year 2011-12 6/14/11
Request Approval to Renew Affiliation Agreement with The Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles 6/14/11
Recommendation for Delegated Authority to Execute Agreements with Community Partners and to Amend Existing Department of Mental Health Legal Entity Agreements for the Provision of Mental Health Services Under the 1115 Waiver Demonstration Project (Board Agenda Item A-4, June 14, 2011) 6/14/11
Approval To Renew Six Supersede Thirty-Nine Community Care Residential Facility Agreements 6/7/11
Request Approval to Extend the Unilab Corporation Clinical Laboratory Services Agreement Fiscal Year 2011-12 6/7/11
Authorization to Fill Positions to Implement Mental Health Services Act-Prevention and Early Intervention Countywide Juvenile Justice Transition Aftercare Services Program 5/31/11
Authorization to Renew Metropolitan and Patton State Hospitals Patient/Client Transportation Support Services Agreements 5/31/11
Approval to Execute Department of Mental Health Affiliation Agreements for Student Professional Development Programs 5/31/11
Request Approval to Renew Three Expiring Out-Of-State Child Placement Mental Health Services Agreements 5/31/11
Hearing on Published Charges for Fiscal Year 2011-12 5/24/11
Request Approval to Renew Expiring Mental Health Services Act Master Agreements For Mental Health Services Act Programs Through Fiscal Year 2015-16 5/17/11
Approval To Enter Into A New Consultant Services Agreement with The Los Angeles County Alliance for the Mentally Ill for Family-Focused Strategies to Reduce Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination for Adults (Age 26-59) Countywide Program 5/17/11
Approve Expenditures for The Twelfth Annual Mental Health Commission Profiles of Hope Volunteer and Program Recognition Awards 5/17/11
Approval to Renew A Sole Source Consultant Services Agreement with Multisystemic Therapy Services, Inc. For Fiscal Years 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 5/17/11
Approval of Amendment No. 6 to County Agreement Number 74144 with Sierra Systems, Inc. 5/10/11
Request for Approval to Execute a Sole Source Agreement with Verizon Business for the Access Call Center Transformation Project 4/5/11
Approve Expenditures for the 2011 Transition Age Youth Conference 3/8/11
Approval to Amend a Specialized Indigent Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Services Agreement with Aurora Charter Oak, LLC 3/8/11
Authorization to Fill 146 Full-time Positions and for Contract Agencies to use One-time Funds for Fiscal Year 2010-11 to Further Implement the Mental Health Service Act – Prevention and Early Intervention Plan and Approval of an Appropriation Adjustment 2/15/11
Approval to Accept a Grant Award from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and Approval of an Appropriation Adjustment for Fiscal Year 2010-11 2/15/11
Approve Expenditures for the Tenth Annual California Conference on Mental Health and Spirituality 2/1/11
Authorization to Accept Funding from Clare Foundation, Inc. 2/1/11
Authorization to Amend LE Agreements with Telecare Corporation and Exodus Recovery, Inc. 2/1/11
Approval to Enter into MOU with Local School Districts to Receive funds for AB3632 Services and Residential Placement, February 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011 1/25/11
Approval to Enter Into New Consultant Services Agreements with Hathaway-Sycamores Child and Family Services, SSG, and Latino Behavioral Health Institute to Implement a Health Promoters Outreach Program for Latinos 1/18/11
Approval of Sole Source Amendments with Step Up on Second Street, Inc., and OPCC 1/4/11
Request Approval to Execute a Sole Source Consultant Services Agreement with PC for FYs 2010-11 through 2012-13 and Amend and Extend the Consultant Services Agreement with MHALA for FYs 2010-11 through 2012-13 1/4/11
Approval to Provide Interim Provisional Payments On An As Needed Basis To Contractors For Services To Individuals Eligible For Both Medicare and Medi-Cal 10/19/10
Authorization to Fill Positions To Implement A Collaborative Care Integration Program And Approval Of An Appropriation Adjustment 11/30/10
Approve Expenditures For the Fifth Annual Connections For Life Through Employment and Education Conference 11/30/10
Approval To Amend 31 Legal Entity Agreements To Add California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids Funding For Mental Health Services For The Remaining Six Months Of Fiscal Year 2010-11 11/30/10
Approval to Enter Into a Sole Source Agreement with Southern California Alcohol and Drug Programs, Inc., dba Awakenings 11/9/10
Storage Area Network Fixed Asset Purchase 11/9/10
Approval to Amend Three LE Agreements for MHS 9/7/10
Approval to Extend the Repayment of CFA of $68,542 owed by Alcott Center for MHS 9/7/10
Authorization to Accept Grant Funding from the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program 7/6/10
Approval to Execute DMH Affiliation Agreements for Student Professional Development Programs and Forensic Fellows Services 6/15/10
Authorization for a Sole Source Consultant Services Agreement with CIMH for Training, Consultation and Technical Assistance on MHS 6/15/10
Renewal of a Sole Source Consultant Services Agreement with MHALA 6/15/10
Approval to Amend 31 LE Agreements to Add CalWORKs Funding for MHS for FY 2010-11 6/9/10
Authorization to Renew a Sole Source Consultant Services Agreement with CMHDA 6/9/10
Approval to Renew Two Sole Source Fiscal Intermediary Agreements 6/9/10
Approval to Renew a Sole Source Services Agreement with Mental Health Advocacy Services, Inc. for FY 2010-11 6/9/10
Approval to Enter Into a New LE Agreement with Tri-City Mental Health Center 6/9/10
Request Approval to Extend the Term of Consultant Services Agreements with MHALA and Pacific Clinics for FY 2010-11 6/9/10
Approval to Renew Specialized Agreements with ABC, Los Angeles, and Montebello Unified School Districts 6/1/10
Approval to Renew a Sole Source Services Agreement for Project-Based Operating subsidies for TAY Supportive Housing for FYs 2010-11through 2014-15 6/1/10
Approval to Supersede 97 Legal Entity Agreements for Mental Health Services for Fiscal Years 2010-11 and 2011-12 6/1/10
Approval to Renew 36 Legal Entity Agreements for Mental Health Services 6/1/10
Approval to Renew Three Specialized Indigent Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Services Agreements 6/1/10
Approval to Renew Mental Health Services Agreements with 26 Fee-For-Service Medi-Cal Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Hospitals and One Unique Fee-For-Service Medi-Cal Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital 6/1/10
Hearing on Published Charges for FY 2010-11 5/25/10
Approval to Renew 18 OSCP Mental Health Services Agreements 5/18/10
Approval of the CMHSA Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement 5/11/10
Approval to Implement the MHSA-PEI Plan through Authorization to Allow Existing Contract Agencies to Transform Services, to Enter Into Sole Source Agreements with Program Developers, and to Fill 15 Full-Time Positions 5/11/10
Approval to Renew 58 DMH Pharmacy Agreements 5/11/10
Approval to Renew CCRF Agreements 5/11/10
Approve Expenditures for the Ninth Annual Conference on Mental Health and Spirituality 5/11/10
Approve Expenditures for the Hope, Wellness, and Recovery Commemoration and the 11th Annual Mental Health Commission Volunteer and Program Recognition Awards 4/20/10
Authorization for a Sole Source Amendment with CIMH to Develop a Statewide Co-Occurring Disorders Technical Assistance Center 3/30/10
Approval of 117 Funding Agreements for the IT Plan of the Technological needs Component of the MHSA 3/2/2010
Approve a Sole Source Agreement with LACOE for FYs 2009-10, 2010-11, and 2011-12 2/23/2010
Approval to Amend Five Legal Entity Agreements 2/16/2010
Approve Expenditures for the Second California Mental Health Advocacy Conference. 2/16/2010
Authorization for Retroactive Payment to Success Healthcare 1 2/16/2010
Approve Expenditures for Another Kind of Valor Conference 2/16/2010
Approve Expenditures for the Fourth Annual Connections for Life Through Employment and Education Conference 2/2/10
Approval of a Sole Source Amendment with Pacific Clinics for Suicide Prevention Program Services 2/2/10
Authorization to Amend the Sole Source Agreement with Exodus Recovery, Inc. for the Provision of Urgent Care Services near LAC+USC Medical Center 1/26/10
Approval to Amend Consultant Services Agreement with CMHDA 1/19/10