Adopted Board Letters 2004-2006

Title Date
Approval of New DMH LE Agreement with Tessie Cleveland Community Services Corporation for FYs 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 11/21/06
Approval to Renew MHSPA (Contract No. 06-76029-000) with the State Department of Mental Health for Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health Services for FYs 2006-07, 2007-08, and 2008-09 11/21/06
Approval to Amend DMH LE Agreements with Exodus Recovery, Inc and Alcott Center for Mental Health Services to Implement the MHSA Westside Urgent Community Services Program… 11/21/06
Approval to Further Implement the MHSA CSS Plan for Directly Operated Wellness Centers and Approval of Request for Appropriation Adjustment for FY 2006-07 11/14/06
Approval of Contract Amendments for the Relief of County Hospital Psychiatric Emergency Services for FY 2006-07 11/8/06
Authorization to Negotiate Amendments to 33 Existing DMH Legal Entity Agreement to Provide Full Service Partnership Programs for FY 2006-07 10/31/06
Approval of Amendment to the Existing MHS Medi-Cal Fee-For-Service Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Services Agreement with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center 10/31/06
Authorization for Acceptance of the MHSA CSSP One-Time Funding for an Information Technology Project & Approval for Request for Appropriation Adjustment for FY 2006-07 10/17/06
Approval of Request for Appropriation Adjustment for Short-Doyle/Medi-Cal Settlement Payments to Contract Providers for FY 2000-01 & 2002-03 Services & Approval to Amend 13 DMH LE Agreements… 10/3/06
Approval of State Contract No. 06-76191-000 with the State of California, DMH & Approval of Request for Appropriation Adjustment for FY 2006-07 10/3/06
Approval of Consultant Services Agreement with PROTOTYPES, CENTERS FOR INNOVATION IN HEALTH, MENTAL HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES for FY 2006-07, 2007-08 & 2008-09 9/19/06
Approval to Amend DMH LE Agreements to Include Language Allowing for the Shift of County General Fund Dollars Between Funding Categories Within a Contract Provider’s Agreement 9/12/06
Approval for Hiring and Spending Authority to Further Implement the MHSA-CSSP for Full Service Partnership Programs & Community Planning Events 8/22/06
Approval to Renew 72 DMH Agreements and Approval of… 6/27/06
Approval to Supersede 69 DMH LE Agreements 6/27/06
Request to Approve Two Community Treatment Facility (CTF) Services Agreements 6/27/06
Approval of 40 New Basic Living Support Services Agreements for FY 2006-07, 2007-08, & 2008-09 and Amendment to Existing Basic Living Support Services Agreement with Parents of Watts Working w Youth 6/20/06
Authorization to Supersede 261 Specialized Agreements and Approval of Multiple Agreement Formats 6/20/06
Approval to Renew Agreements with Individual and Group Providers and One Unique Group Provider for the Provision of Specialty Mental Health Services for FY 2006-07, 2007-08, & 2008-09 6/20/06
Authorization to Renew 30 Specialized Agreements and Approval of Multiple Agreement Formats 6/20/06
Request for FY 04-05 Retroactive Payment to Unilab Corporation dba Quest Diagnostics for Clinical Laboratory Services 6/20/06
Approval of New Clinical Laboratory Services Agreement with Unilab Corporation dba Quest Diagnostics 6/13/06
Approval of Amendments to Existing MHS Contract Allowable Rate Fee-For-Service Medi-Cal Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Services Agreements to Implement State-Mandated Rate Increase… 6/7/06
Approval of State of California – Department of Rehabilitation Cooperative Agreement with County of LA – DMH for FY 2006-07, 2007-08, and 2008-09 6/7/06
Authorization to Implement the MHSA Community Services Support (CSS) Plan 5/30/06
Hearing on DMH’s Published Charges for FYs 2005-06 and Published Charges for FY 2006-07 5/23/06
Approval of New Sole Sourse Consultand Services Agreement with Multisystemic Therapy Services, Inc. for FY 2005-06 through 2007-08 5/16/06
Authorization to Implement the MHSA Community Services Support (CSS) Plan 5/9/06
Approval of Amendments to Existing LE Agreements with Medi-Cal Long Term Care Providers 5/2/06
Approval to Amend and Existing DMH LE Agreement with Protypes for FY 2005-2006 5/2/06
Authorization for Receipt of One-Time Only SAMHSA Federal Block Grant Funds 5/2/06
Approval of Performance Contract No. 05-75022-000 with the CA Dept. of Mental Health 5/2/06
Approval of New DMH Sole Source Consultant Services Agreement with Outlook Assoc. and Qualis Health 4/18/06
Approval of State Hospital Bed Purchase and Usage Agreement No. 05-75380-000 with the CA Dept. of Mental Health 4/11/06
Approval of Amendment to Existing DMH LE Agreement with the Village Family Services 4/4/06
Approval of Termination of DMH’s LE Agreement with LA Orphans Home Society 3/21/06
Approval of A New Fiscal Intermediary/Consultant Services Agreement forAcademic Training and Student Professional Devel. Prog. with Phillips Graduate Institute 3/14/06
Approval of an Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with Outlook Assoc. 3/7/06
Approval of Amendment to Existing DMH LE Agreement with New Horizons Family Center 3/7/06
Recommendation to Award Master Agreements for MHSA Comm Services and Supports Plan Services 3/7/06
Authorization for Acceptance of Federal IDEA Funds and Approval of MOU with LACOE 3/7/06
Authorization of Acceptance and Receipt of Two New Substance Abuse and MHSA Grant Awards 1/31/06
Approval of Amendment Existing DMH Consulting Services Agreement with CA MHDA 1/31/06
Approval of Settlement Agreements with Pacific Clinics and Stirling Academy 12/13/05
Authorization for Receipt of McKinney PATH Federal Block Grant Funds 12/13/05
Authorization for Receipt of FEMA Grant Funds for Crisis Counseling Immediate Services Program in COLA for Hurricane Katrina Victims 11/29/05
LE Agreement Special Service For Groups FYs 05-06, 06-07, 07-08, and 08-09 11/29/05
Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ) Process for the solicitation of MHSA services 11/15/05
Renew Business Agreement with Eli Lilly and Company for FY 05-06, 06-07 and 07-08 11/8/05
Approval of Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with NMHA of Greater LA 11/8/05
Authorization for Receipt of SAMHSA Federal Block Grant Funds for FY 05-06 11/8/05
Approval to Extend the Cash Flow Advance for FY 05-06 10/25/05
The Effectuation of a Mutually Agreed Merger between Pasadena Children’s Training Society and Hathaway Children and Family Services 10/18/05
Approval for Submission of the MHSA Community Services and Supports to Plan to the State Dept of MH 10/11/05
Authorization to Enter Into A Skid Row Collaborative Subcontract Agreement with Lamp,Inc. DBA Lamp Community 10/11/05
Approval Under Delegated Authority for DMH to Enter Into Future Agreements with Pharmacies, Community Care Residential Families, Patient/Client Transportation Providers…….. 10/11/05
Approval to Renew MHS Plan Agreement with SDMH for FY 05-06 10/11/05
Implement Countywide Enhanced Specialized Foster Care Mental Health Services Plan 10/11/05
Affiliation Agreement with UCLA 8/16/05
DMH Consulting Services Agreement with CIMH for FY 05-06 8/16/05
Implement the Additional Plan for the Relief of County Hospital Psychiatric Emergency Services 7/19/05
Approval of Settlement Agreements with Intercommunity Child Guidance Center and Child and Family Guidance Center 7/12/05
Hearing on DMH’s Published Charges for FY 05-06 6/28/05
Supersede 112 DMH LE Agreements 6/21/05
Authorization to Renew 139 Specialized Agreements 6/21/05
Approval to Accept A Donation from the Eve M. Nickels Trust 6/21/05
Approval of Amendments to MHS LE Agreements Allow Contracts Providers to Use County General Funds to Pay for Uncompensated Indigent/Uninsured Care Services 6/21/05
Appropriation Adjustment for Short/Doyle/Medi-Cal Settlement Payments to Contract Providers for FY 99-00 and 01-02 6/21/05
Approval of Amendment to MHS Supersession LE Agreement with Homes for Life Foundation DBA Cedar Street Homes 6/21/05
MOU with Los Angeles County Office of Education FY 2004-05 6/21/05
Cooperative Agreement with LACDMH for FY 05-06 6/7/05
Authorization to Renew 32 DMH LE Agreements 6/7/05
Approval of Amendment to LE Agreement with Penny Lane Centers for FY 02-03 5/31/05
Approval of Consultant Agreement with PROTOTYPES for FY 04-05 5/31/05
Approval of Performance Contract with SDMH for FY 04-05 5/31/05
Approval of Amendment No. 4 Legal Entity with ASC Treatment Group DBA the AnneSippi Clinic 5/10/05
Approval of New Consultant Services Agreement with Outlook Associates, Inc. 5/10/05
LE Agreement with St. Francis Medical Center for FY 04- 05 5/10/05
Implement Plan for Relief for Olive View Med Ctr PES 4/26/05
Approval of Amendments to DMH’s LE Agreements and One Specialized Agreement for FYs 04-05 and 05-06 4/19/05
Approval of MH Services Act Plan Phase I 4/19/05
Terminate the DMH LE Agreement with United Cambodian Community, Inc. 4/12/05
Supersede 134 Specialized Agreements 4/12/05
Approval of State Hospital Bed Purchase and Usage Agreement No. 04-74161-000 with the SDMH 3/29/05
Employment Agreement with Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development for State Loan Repayment Program 3/29/05
LE Agreement with Emotional Health Association dba Share the Self-Help and Recovery Exchange 3/29/05
Hearing on DMH’s Revised Published Charges FY 04-05 3/22/05
Approval of New Out-of-State Child Placement MHS Agreement with Devereux Glenholme 3/15/05
Disburse Payment to FFS with Multiservice Family Center, Inc. 3/1/05
Approval of Two Amendments to Consultant Services 2/15/05
LE Agreements with Contract Providers 2/15/05
Authorization to Implement the Housing Initiatives Plan 2/15/05
Amend LE Agreement with Pacific Clinics for FY 04- 05 2/15/05
MH Services Agreement Legal Entity with St. Francis Medical Center – Children’s Counseling Center 1/18/05
Amend the DMH LE Agreement with VIP Community Mental Health Center, Inc. for FYs 04-05, 05-06 and 06-07 1/4/05
Approval of Amendment No. 1 to MH Services Agreemement – LE with ASC Treatment Group dba the AnneSippi Clinic 12/14/04
Renew HIV/AIDS Agreement with State DMH for FYs 04-05, 05-06 and 06-07 12/14/04
Approval to Renew 27 FFS Agreements for FY 04-05, 05-06 and 06-07 12/7/04
Implement the Plan for the Relief of the County Hospital Psychiatric Emergency Services 11/30/04
Approval of Amendments to Extend the CFA for FY 04-05 11/30/04
Approval of Amendment with CIMH for FY 04-05 11/30/04
Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement with MHA in COLA for FY 04-05 and 05-06 11/3/04
Three New LE Agreements for FYs 04-05, 05-06, 06-0 11/3/04
Amend DMH LE Agreements with EPSDT and AA for FY 04-05 10/19/04
Waive Contract Language and Request for AA for SB90 Payments to MH Service Providers 10/19/04
Amendment No. 8 with LAUSD for FY 03-04 10/12/04
Acceptance of U.S. DOJ and Approval of Appropriation Adjustment for the Subject Grant 10/5/04
Amendment with Westside Center for Independent Living Inc. 10/5/04
Amendment to Settlement Agreement with Plaza Community Center 9/21/04
Settlement Agreement with Golden State Health Centers, Inc. 9/21/04
SAMHSA FBG Funds for FY 04-05 9/14/04
Settlement Agreement with Striling Academy, Inc. 9/7/04
New Legal Entity with the Pasadena Unified School District 7/13/04
Two new LE Agreements with The David and Margaret Home, Inc. 7/6/04
Agreement with the Lennox School District FY 2003- 04 6/29/04
Supersede 107 DMH Legal Entity Agreements 6/29/04
Filed by DCFS – Approval of two separate Agreements 6/29/04
Supersede three Affiliation Agreements for Student Professional Development Programs 6/29/04
New Agreement with The Village Family Services 6/29/04
Affiliation Agreement with Cedar-Sinai Medical Center 6/29/04
Amendment with PROTOTYPES for FY 2003-2004 6/29/04
Include Proposition A with Enki, Pacific Clinics and Special Service for Groups 6/29/04
Renewal of Specialized Agreements 6/29/04
Renewal of 34 DMH Legal Entity Agreements 6/29/04
Amendments with Florence Crittenton and St. Francis Medical Center – Children’s CounselingCenter to All for Payment of Title XIX Medi-Cal Services 6/29/04
Renewal State DMH for Medi-Cal Specialty MH Services 6/29/04
Published Charges for FY 2004-2005 6/22/04
Agreement with ValueOptions, Inc. 6/15/04
Amendment No. 3 with CMHDA FY 2003-2004 6/15/04
Amendment No. 5 with The Children’s Center of the Antelope Valley 6/15/04
Amendments to provide STOP funds FY 2002-2003 6/15/04
Amendment No. 5 with Heritage Clinic 6/15/04
Cooperative Agreement FY 2004-2005 6/15/04
State Hospital Bed Purchase FY 2003-2004 5/18/04
Payments to Fee-For-Service MH Services FY 1998-1999 5/11/04
McKinney Projects for Assistance (PATH) 4/20/04
Performance Contract No. 03-73139-00 with SDMH FY 03-04 4/13/04
Payments to Fee-For-Service Providers of Specialty Mental Health Services 3/30/04
Implementation of enhanced clinical supervision 3/30/04
Amendment No. 2 to Education Tuition Assistance Program Services Agreement with Cal State Long Beach Foundation 3/30/04
Amendment No. 5 with ASC Treatment Group dba The Anne Sippi Clinic 3/30/04
Appropriation Adjustment for Payment to CMHDA for State Pass Through Administrative Support Funds 3/16/04
South Los Angeles Family Service Program Refurbishment of Florence-Firestone Health Center 2/24/04
Appropriation Adjustment for FY 01-02 Payments to Mental Health Service Providers 2/10/04
Acceptance of Federal IDEA and approval of MOU with COE for FY 03-04 2/10/04
State of CA Dept. of Rehabilitation Cooperative Agreement with DMH 1/13/04
Agreement with the City of Hawthorne FY 03-04 1/13/04
Revised Amendment No. 1 to CIMH for FYs 03-04, 04- 05 and 05-06 1/6/04
New Legal Entity Helpline Youth Counseling, Inc. 1/6/04