If you are interested in getting a Veteran or Military family member connected to resources, please call the Veteran & Military Family Services (VMFS) Support Line at 800-854-7771. The VMFS support line is open 7 days a week, including holidays, between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Our LACDMH VMFS agents can help complete a referral.
Please be aware that VMFS is not a mental health treatment program, but rather assists veterans and military family members connect to supportive services, such as peer support, non-urgent mental health linkage, housing, etc. If you believe you or someone else is experiencing a medical or behavioral health emergency, please call your doctor or dial 9-1-1 immediately. If the individual you are referring to VMFS is experiencing suicidal thoughts, homicidal thoughts, and or is gravely disabled, please call 24/7 LACDMH Help Line or Veteran Crisis Line for immediate assistance. The LACDMH Help Line can also help you connect to one of our mental health providers throughout L.A. County for appointments.
For any general questions related to VMFS, please email us at veterans@dmh.lacounty.gov.